Webinar: How to become even more holistic - Tools to implement biopsychosocial management for our patients

12 févr. 2021
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The osteopathic profession has worked hard to refine its manual skills over the last century but other therapeutic strategies may have not been explicitly developed, or included in undergraduate curricula. There is preliminary evidence supporting the idea that osteopathy has effects on other outcomes than just pain and disability likely due to implicit non-manual strategies, arguably underdeveloped. In this webinar, Jerry will discuss the tools that we can use as osteopaths alongside our manual techniques to enhance the biopsychosocial component of our management. 



Draper-Rodi Jerry

Senior Research Fellow, clinician

National Council for Osteopathic Research, Director


2011 – 2016: Professional Doctorate in Osteopathy, University of Bedfordshire, London 

2011: Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methods, BSO, London 

2008 – 2009: University degree (PGDip) in clinical anatomy, Université Paris V Descartes 

Autumn 2007: Certified examiner for finals examination in osteopathy, Académie d’Ostéopathie 

2006 – 2007: University degree (PGDip) in anatomy applied to clinical examination and medical imaging, Université Paris Ouest 

2001 – 2007: Osteopathy degree (DO), ISO Lyon - CEESO Paris


2015 – ongoing: The Society for Back Pain Research, Executive committee member

2013 – ongoing: Oxfordshire Osteopathic Network, on the committee since 2013, chair for 3rd year

2009 – ongoing: Member of the General Osteopathic Council, membership number 7449  

2009 – ongoing: Member of the institute of Osteopathy, membership number 104053 




2014 – ongoing: Reviewer for the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine.

2018 – ongoing: Reviewer for La Revue de l’Osteopathie

Recent conferences: Oral presentations

Draper-Rodi J, Vogel S, Bishop A. Impact of an e-learning programme on the biopsychosocial model for non-specific low-back pain on experienced osteopaths’ attitudes to back pain: a pilot randomised-controlled trial. OsEAN conference. Vienna. 2016

Draper-Rodi J, Vogel S, Bishop A. Non-specific low-back pain: how can we assess it in a biopsychosocial context? The institute of Osteopathy conference. Egham. 2015

Draper-Rodi J, Vogel S, Bishop A. Presentation of the development of an e-learning programme on the biopsychosocial model for non-specific low-back pain. The BSO education conference. Egham. 2015

Draper-Rodi J. Evidence vs conventional wisdom. OSD conference; Berlin (Germany) 2015

Conference: Recent poster presentation 

Draper-Rodi J, Vogel S, Bishop A. Impact of an e-learning programme on the biopsychosocial model for non-specific low-back pain on experienced osteopaths’ attitudes to back pain: a mixed methods feasibility study. The International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists. Glasgow. 2016

Draper-Rodi J, Vogel S, Bishop A. What are the biopsychosocial obstacles to recovery for non-specific low-back pain? Results of a scoping review. The Society for Back Pain Research conference. Bournemouth. 2015

Draper-Rodi J, Vogel S, Bishop A. The effects of a biopsychosocially structured e-learning programme for non-specific low-back pain on experienced osteopaths’ attitudes to back pain: A mixed-method pilot randomised-controlled trial and qualitative study. CAMstrand conference. London. 2015

Teaching and development of courses: recent experience

2017 – ongoing: Head of CPD and research lecturer

2010 – 2017: Technique and Clinic tutor, BSO London 

2013 – 2014: Associate lecturer, Oxford Brookes 

2012 – 2015: Lecturer; postgraduate course on diagnosing musculoskeletal pain, University Paris Ile de France Ouest (France) 

Private Practice 

2011 – ongoing: Self-employed osteopath, Abingdon 

2007 – 2012: Self-employed osteopath, Paris

Infos principales

14:00 - 15:30
40.00 CHF
Non membre
50.00 CHF
25.00 CHF
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Kontakt für deutsche Kurse:
Montag und Mittwoch
von 09:00 bis 11:00 Uhr
076 297 37 16

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de 09h00 à 11h00

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1700 Fribourg