Placebo, nocebo e relazione terapeuta-paziente: nuove prospettive dalle recenti acquisizioni delle neuroscienze

14 sept. 2024
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Durante la formazione si andranno a trattare temi di grande rilevanza pratica quali l’applicazione degli effetti placebo e nocebo nella clinica, la discussione dell’importanza della relazione paziente-terapeuta nella presa a carico e l’approfondimento teorico sulle più attuali evidenze neuroscientifiche e neurocognitive.

Il relatore Fabrizio Benedetti, medico e neuroscienziato, è Professore Ordinario di Neurofisiologia all’Università di Torino, Direttore del Center for Hypoxia di Plateau Rosa (Italia/Svizzera) e Senior Advisor & Consultant alla Harvard University, Cambridge (USA). Nominato membro dell’Academy of Europe e della European Dana Alliance for the Brain, è autore di diverse pubblicazioni sul tema e ha inoltre ricevuto numerosi premi per la ricerca a livello mondiale.


La quota d’iscrizione corrisponde a 150.- CHF per i membri SCOT e FSO, a 100.- CHF per gli assistenti, e a 220.- CHF per gli esterni. L’iscrizione comprende il pranzo con primo, secondo e dessert, così come le pause caffè di metà mattinata e di metà pomeriggio.

L’iscrizione diventa valida dopo aver effettuato il bonifico della quota d’iscrizione sul conto intestato a: Società Cantonale degli Osteopati del Canton Ticino, 6924 Sorengo, Banca Stato del Canton Ticino (CCP 65-433-5), IBAN: CH51007645755585C000C, causale del versamento: Corso SCOT settembre 2024.


Benedetti Fabrizio


1981 M.D. degree, University of Turin Medical School

1984-85 Silbert Scholarship, Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles 

Positions and Employments

1983 Research Associate, Neurophysiology, University of Turin Medical School

1986-90 Assistant Professor of Physiology, University of Turin Medical School 

1991-1992 Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, University of Texas, Dallas 

1992-99 Associate Professor of Neurophysiology and Human Physiology, University of Turin Medical School 

1999-today Professor of Neurophysiology and Human Physiology, University of Turin Medical School 

2014-today Chairman of Clinical Research and Neurotherapeutics, “Innovative Clinical Trials & Healthcare” Initiative 

2014-today Director of Medicine and Physiology of Hypoxia, Breuil-Cervinia/Zermatt, Italy/Switzerland 

Consultant activity at the National Institute of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD, USA 

2000-2002 Co-chair of the Breakout Group of the NIH for the development of “Recommendations for research to further elucidate the nature of the placebo effect”. 

2003 Member of the Working Group of NIDA for planning a research agenda on the “Recovery of brain structure and function through behavioral treatments”. 

2004 Member of the Task Force of NIMH on “Brain mechanisms in the placebo response”. 

2004-2009 Member of the Brain-Body-Behavior Research Group of NCCAM for developing a strategic planning process for 2005-2009. 

Consultant activity at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA 

2010-today Consultant and Advisory Board of PIPS School, Harvard Medical School. 

Invited Professional Memberships 

2001-2007 Member of the Placebo Working Group of the “Mind-Brain-Behavior” Initiative at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA 

2002-today Member of the European Working Group on Pain and Impaired Cognition 

2006-2010 Member of the Board of the Placebo Group of the International Association for the Study of Pain 


1984 Silbert International Award at the University of California Los Angeles 

1985 Italian Angelo Costa Prize for Physiology 

1997 Novartis Prize of the Italian Society for Neuroscience 

2009 Medical Books Award of the British Medical Association 

2012 Seymour Solomon Award of the American Headache Society 

2012 Herlitzka Prize for Physiology, Academy of Sciences, Turin 

2015 William S Kroger Award of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis 

2015 EFIC-IBSA Award for the best paper in the Eur J Pain. 

2018 ARNo Award from Neurological Research Association, University of Pisa 

Academy and organizations nominations 

2010-today Nominated member of the Academy of Europe (Medicine & Physiology section) 

2010-today Nominated member of the European Dana Alliance for the Brain 

2015-today Nominated member of the Council of Scientists of the Human Frontiers Science Program Organization 

Editorial Boards 

Seminars in Pain Medicine (2001-2003) 

Open Anesthesiology Journal (2005-2006) 

Pain (2009-2015) 

Current Neuropharmacology (2009-today) 

Canadian Journal of Pain (2016-today) 

Organization of International conferences 

2007 Co-organizer (together with Manfred Schedlowski, Germany and Paul Enck, Germany) of the international meeting “Mechanisms of Placebo/Nocebo Responses”, Nov. 28-30, 

2007, Tutzing, Germany 

2008 Co-organizer (together with Damien Finniss, Australia, Donald Price, USA, and Ron Kupers, Denmark) of the 12th World Congress on Pain Satellite Meeting “The placebo effect – Advances in research and implications for clinical trials and clinical practice”, Aug. 14-15, 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2011 Organizing Committee of the 8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, July 2011, Florence, Italy. 

2013 Co-organizer (together with Manfred Schedlowski, Germany and Paul Enck, Germany) of the International Meeting on Placebo, 23-25 Jan 2013, Tuebingen, Germany

Infos principales

08:45 - 12:00
13:15 - 16:30
150.00 CHF
Non membre
220.00 CHF
100.00 CHF
Secrétariat de la formation continue SCO-Tessin
Via Sant’Anna 7
6924 Sorengo